New Stories: Lifelong Reading

This was a co-creative, life-review project based on memories of childhood reading and life experience. As part of a creative research team, I visited a day centre specialising in early-stage dementia over a period of 5 months, which resulted in presenting ‘book boxes’ to our two participants. These book boxes consisted of art work and writing that was inspired by the conversations between the team and the participants.

The project was funded by Roehampton University and the Southlands Methodist Foundation. The team consisted of Dr Alison Waller, a childhood literature specialist, and Gemma Seltzer, a writer and facilitator. In my role of the book artist, I was responsible for sketching the sessions we spent together and responding to our conversations in drawing. In collaboration with Gemma, we selected quotes and I illustrated them on fragments of paper – a theme that occurred during the sessions.

There is a PDF of a Best Practise guide available, please contact me if you would like one.